Monday, December 11, 2006

Honoring Sunlight

A couple of weeks ago, I got a phone call from my friend, Sunlight. She is a sweet elder who is a beloved part of our Center for Positive Living in Mendocino, and who also participates in our local chapter of Noetic Science/IONS.

When she called, she excitedly asked me if I had been outside and looked at the sky lately, as it was especially beautiful that day. Sunlight also told me that she loved my name, SkyWatcher, and that it reminded her of one of her favorite pastimes –skywatching.

If Sunlight had not called me, I do not know that I would have taken my camera with me when I went for my walk that day. Thank you, Sunlight, for being yourself, and for reaching out to me that beautiful day.

The following ten pictures where taken after her phone call.

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